Day 441 | somewhere on Dunbar Station: halfway along the Burke Development Road

117 km | zzOz total: 13,351 km


In recent times it’s a rare occasion when everything comes together but today it sure did.

117km, huh?

On a dirt road.

Well, it was a terrific surface for the most part, flattened clay that’s had major quantities of water and been whacked flat by the few 4WDs that use this route.

Slightly downhill.

A tail, or no wind.

Temperature was in the mid 30s, that’s on the C not F scale, so nice and sweat rousingly warm.

A few clouds later in the day.

Best of all not much in the way of traffic, 8 cars went by, and for some reason 5 more once it was dark.

There’s lots of birdlife: a Rainbow Bee-eater, up on holiday from Victoria for winter; Brolgas and Sarus Cranes, I can tell them apart now by their charcoal and red legs respectively; a few Bustards; a white duck, or many, with a sartorially splendid black cape over its back; a flight of 24 Red Tailed Black Cockatoos on fly by, with a befuddled White Cockatoo screeching in the opposite direction; and most disturbing, a huge number of kites, 30 visible at one point.

It’s unsettling to bike along with their shadows zooming around like vultures close by.