Day 162 | long circuit back to Nitmiluk: 25km walk to Smitts Rock and back to the main campground

off walking in the national park

Nitmiluk National Park does its best to look out for estuarine crocodiles.

They can be huge man eaters but it’s a long way up from the sea here. There’s plenty of freshwater crocs around, I’ve seen them, but they are small and while they have pretty sharp teeth they have never been known to attack unprovoked. The tourists cautiously get in knee deep. In any case there is a swimming pool at the park campground.

But the locals don’t mind swimming and I’ve followed their lead. I guess I’ve acclimatised.

Later, I found out that a big, ie, 5 m, salty had been seen in Katherine during the Wet earlier in the year and that’s only another 30 km up to the gorge swimming area.