Day 452 | Crooked Brook Forest picnic area: still searching out those picnic tables

30 km | Heading west total: 16,281 km

In summer there would be people still hanging around singeing flesh on the barbeques.

I’d be hanging back awaiting their departure to roll out the tent. Or, with the longer daylight hours, having enough time to head off to the next official trail camping site.

As it is there hasn’t been a car along here for hours. The only noise is the racket from a few crows in the middle distance.

The day started on the cool side. The tent was soaking wet both sides and the sleeping bag was damp once again. Not a frost, but close.

Most of my warm clothes are still in Broome, you don’t really think you will ever need them again when it’s 38°C (100°F+) day after cloudless day up in paradise.

My standard cold weather attire consists of a woollen T shirt, now somewhat threadbare, a long sleeved cotton shirt, a thin windbreaker jacket, not even a fleece and my two beenies I can wear on top of each other. One pair of almost disintegrating fingerless gloves. Summerweight longs and my I’ve-Been-Everywhere sandals completes the garb.

Suddenly he remembers that there may well be some socks in the bottom of that clothes pannier, but then again, socks with sandals has never been a good look.

It’s a bit pathetic.

The days are calm and cloudless once the fog has dispersed and the temperature generally cranks up once the sun comes up over the horizon. Maybe 23°C or so.

It’s perfect biking conditions and the track is great.

You can tell I’m still thrilled by this little adventure.